WEB Assignment 6

Assignment 6 - Puzzle

WEB作业系列的最后一作,拼图游戏~(其他的作业需要客户端支持,不太适合放到Pages上)它在搭载Chrome浏览器的Windows10下有最好的游玩体验,请尽量使用>=1080p的分辨率进行游戏(13寸RetinaMBP可能需要缩小网页),缩放可能会导致画面排版异常。因为游戏彩蛋有音效,希望您能打开扬声器进行游戏。当难度>=20时完成拼图可以解锁小彩蛋~如果你是中山大学的在读学生,并且接入了校园网,你应该可以通过这个网页了解一些关于这个作业的详细信息~在忙于做C#的今天回过头来看,JS这种轻量级的语言真是让人太幸福了……话不多说~来看看吧![Final Puzzle](https://SiskonEmiliaPage.github.io/Assignment 6/html/Puzzle.html)

WEB Assignment 5

Assignment 5 - Games


话不多说,一起来看看吧~[迷宫](https://SiskonEmiliaPage.github.io/Assignment 5/maze/html/maze.html) [打地鼠](https://SiskonEmiliaPage.github.io/Assignment 5/mole/html/mole.html)

WEB Assignment 4

Assignment 4 - Calculator

Assignment 4 was the start of our journey of JavaScript. We’re required to implement a simple calculator with HTML, CSS and JS. If you are a student of SYSU and are accessing the education network, you may be able to view the detail of this homework by visiting This Page. In order to implement the feature of high-accuracy calculating, this project depende on math.js. And to meet the requirement of users with different sizes of screen, I design two versions of this project. Thus take a look at the final version of it. [Assignment 4 - bigger one](https://SiskonEmiliaPage.github.io/Assignment 4/html/calculator.html), [Assignment 4 - smaller one](https://SiskonEmiliaPage.github.io/Assignment 4/html/calculatorMini.html).

WEB Assignment 3

Assignment 3 - Ring Menu

Assignment 3 gave us a good chance to learn the usage of CSS3 features, especially transition and transform. We were required to work out a page which is the same as the one displayed in the video. If you are a student of SYSU and are accessing the education network, you may be able to view the detail of this homework by visiting This Page. It took me about two days to optimize its performace, through which period I learnt a lot about the transition property of CSS3.
Whatever, take a look at the final version of it. [Assignment 3](https://SiskonEmiliaPage.github.io/Assignment 3/html/index.html).

WEB Assignment 2

Assignment 2 - Movie Review

Different from Assignment 1, which gave us the freedom to design our own page, this homework require us to implement a page which is almost the same as the one shown in the picture. If you are a student of SYSU and are accessing the education network, you may be able to view the detail of this homework by visiting This Page. How to make the page nearly the same as the given one is a huge problem, and I met a lot of troubles implementing it, the biggest one of which is that, I found my chrome will not really display a 8-pt font, and it would be forced to be changed into a 10-pt one.
Whatever, take a look at the final version of it. [Assignment 2](https://SiskonEmiliaPage.github.io/Assignment 2/html/skeleton.html).

WEB Assignment 1

This article is a start of a set of articles which contains all the static web pages I have worked out in the Modern WEB Technology course of SYSU. They are the mileposts on the road of my WEB learning. And it did take me a long time to design and implement each of them. I think it will be a good ending for them to be displayed here, as a milepost of my life road.

Assignment 1 - Recipe

If you are a student of SYSU and are accessing the education network, you may be able to view the detail of this homework by visiting This Page. This is the very first homework that Professor Wang left for us. And this is also the very first time that I pay attention to designing a website. I use the background music of Mercedes-Benz’s Official Website as the background music of it, with adding mask layout to optimize the background image’s performance. Lucklily, it seems not to be a bad work.
And now, let’s experience it! Assignment 1 (It seems that hexo cannot normally display a customized page. I think I have to register another Github account to accommodate my assignments.)

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